Take the confusion out of docs as code

Read the Docs is the go-to solution for open source and business for docs as code hosting. Use our standard process to build, publish, and host your documentation. Giving you all the features you care about without having to reinvent the wheel.

Write documentation using a rich ecosystem of tools (MkDocs, Docusaurus, etc).
Version your documents with Git.
Preview each change before publishing.
Easily deploy docs on merge

Read the Docs is the all-in-one solution for docs as code.


Read the Docs can host multiple versions of your docs. Keep your 1.0 and 2.0 documentation online, so your users can always find the right version.

Flyout showing versions of a documentation project

Git integration

Integrating directly with GitHub allows developers and documentation authors to collaborate seemlessly. You can author your documentation in any text editor, and using whatever format is most comfortable for you.

Read the Docs checks on GitHub

Pull request previews

Once you have your documentation in Git, you can preview changes before merging them. Every time you push a commit to a pull request, Read the Docs will build your documentation and show you the changes.

Visual diff between two versions

One-click deployment

Once you’re reviewed your changes, you can deploy the exact same way you do with your code. When you merge to main, Read the Docs will automatically update your docs in production.

Page showing build success
Try it out

Upgrade your documentation with Read the Docs

version: 2
  os: ubuntu-22.04
    python: "3.10"
    # You can also specify other tool versions:
    # nodejs: "16"

# Build documentation in the docs/ directory with Sphinx
   configuration: docs/conf.py

# Dependencies required to build your docs
   - requirements: docs/requirements.txt
Create an account Sign up with GitHub or your email. Import your project Select your existing Git repositories with a 1-click interface. Add YAML config Copy this example, it probably does what you want 😉 Your docs build on every commit Like magic.

Automate your docs with Read the Docs

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